We’ve been living with an excess of answers with deficit of truth.
Turns out that aliveness is truer when unforeseen circumstances, and unintended consequences, have space to grow enough discomfort to become teachers.
The soil becomes fertile when lies of control and illusions of perfection become compost.
Regenerating soil for loving, grieving, persistent, ecosystemic awareness asks us to maybe play piano for the worms we’ve been poisoning… to shift functions of tired hands: from upholding the oppressors to demolishing shrines to violent ideologies.
We shall reuse the materials to slowly evolve something new, full of play, laughter, mistakes and fuck-ups.
Persisting in love and change. As heartbreaking as it may be.
And you, who’s name has been called over and over to be chastised for expressing your doubt and your rebellion against what ‘must be’,
Know that I am in love with the bravery of your uncertainty.
Your mycorrhizal roots ground me too.
Your reverence for mountains shapeshifts my definitions of sacred.
Your gentleness to inner and outer children dresses my wounds.
Your polyphonic poetry incinerates my lungs delightfully.
Your shadow is beautiful iridescent mirror.
Your fire burns my colonial cartography.
And your laughter. Oh, your laughter is my fucking resistance.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Will you stay for one more heliocentric ride?
Beautiful! 💀❤️